Patriotic Coolers with Independence Ice Cubes

Prep Time
10 minutes plus freezingServing Size
ICE CUBES 1 ice cube tray 1 cup fresh blueberries, rinsed 1/3 cup Ocean Spray® 100% Juice Cranberry Blackberry 1/2 cup Ocean Spray® White Cranberry Juice Drink 1/2 cup Ocean Spray® Cranberry Juice Cocktail COOLERS 2 cups Ocean Spray® White Cranberry Juice Drink 2 12 ounce cans lemon-lime flavored soda, chilled
Place 4 blueberries in each of 16 ice cube cups. Add about 1 teaspoon blackberry flavored juice. Freeze at least 1 hour or until solid. Add 1/2 tablespoon white cranberry drink to each cup. Freeze 1 hour or until solid. Top with 1/2 tablespoon cranberry beverage. Freeze at least 1 hour or until solid. In each of 4 tall glasses, pour 1/2 cup white cranberry juice drink and 3/4 cup soda. Add ice cubes to each glass. Makes 4 servings.